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Pamela Geller is a terrorist
27 juillet 2011

A Blogosphere of Bigots

pamela fgffhh

The proliferation of anti-immigrant and xenophobic groups like Pamela Geller's "Atlas Shrugs" has created a large network of hate websites, encouraging violence against foreigners (Muslims principally) and giving a forum to foreign xenophobes like Geert Wilders and neo-Nazi groups like the English Defense League. It turns out that the alleged Norwegian attacker, Anders Behring Breivik, was a regular contributor to "Atlas Shrugs" over several years. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which previously used to track the KKK, now has a full-time job tracking militia groups, "sovereigns," neo-Nazis, various "Aryan churches," the "Christian identity" movement, and a slew of groups that violently target blacks, gays, Muslims, abortion doctors, immigrants, "secularists" and others.

Pamela Geller is a terrorist
  • I'm away, and it's hard to keep up with the news, but it seems as if my arch-nemesis Pamela Geller is in a bit of a pickle because she and her partner-in-Muslim-bashing, Robert Spencer, were favorites of the Norway killer.
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