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Pamela Geller is a terrorist
27 juillet 2011

A Blogosphere of Bigots

A Blogosphere of Bigots
The proliferation of anti-immigrant and xenophobic groups like Pamela Geller's "Atlas Shrugs" has created a large network of hate websites, encouraging violence against foreigners (Muslims principally) and giving a forum to foreign xenophobes like Geert...
27 juillet 2011

Anders Breivik told English Defence League members to "keep up the good work

 Anders Breivik told English Defence League members to "keep up the good work
ANDERS Breivik told the English Defence League to “keep up the good work” . He secretly praised several EDL members in March, who told him he would be welcome to join them at UK demos. Breivik responded: “I hope so. It’s our common struggle against the...
27 juillet 2011

advocate violence

advocate violence
Andres Behring Breivik was a prolific blogger and visitor to online sites that reaffirmed his worldview. Breivik's taste in online conversation shows a compulsive interest in websites that see the modern world in terms of a "clash of civilizations," where...
27 juillet 2011

Christian Terrorism

Christian Terrorism
In a manifesto posted online, the admitted killer, Anders Behring Breivik, praised Geller. He cited her blog, Atlas Shrugs, and the writings of her friends, allies, and collaborators—Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, Islam Watch, and Front Page magazine—more...
29 juillet 2011

On Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, and Other Jihadists

On Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, and Other Jihadists
Goldblog's position: Geller is a hatemonger, but she didn't pull the trigger. Free speech means free speech. But she should be aware now that violent people look to her for guidance, and she should write with that in mind. Which brings me to the subject...
29 juillet 2011

American Anti-Muslim Sentiment for Norway Attacks, Warns of Similar Violence in U.S.

American Anti-Muslim Sentiment for Norway Attacks, Warns of Similar Violence in U.S.
And that may be exactly what has happened, says Beirich. The 2008 burning of a mosque in Tennessee is evidence of what Beirich says has been a spike in anti-Muslim attacks, including arsons and bombings in Florida, Michigan and Oregon." The report even...
27 juillet 2011

FIVE QUESTIONS: Will The "Jihad Against Islam" Come To The U.S.?

Pretty much everyone, from right-wing bloggers to the director of a Norwegian peace research institute , assumed that last Friday's attacks in Norway were the work of Islamic jihadists. That it turned out to have been perpetrated by a right-wing Christian...
29 juillet 2011

Anders Breivik: Neo-Conned

The news media has had a field day in headlining Anders Breivik’s actions as those of someone from the “far Right,” and as actions that are a consequence of Rightist ideology. Yet Breivik is an avid Zionist whose motives were predicated on Islamophobia....
27 juillet 2011

Pam Geller's Islamophobic Hate Speech

Fox News Has Mainstreamed Pam Geller's Islamophobic Hate Speech In the aftermath of the tragic shooting in Oslo, Norway, the manifesto of accused killer Anders Behring Breivik is being examined, and commenters are noting that he frequently cited fringe,...
27 juillet 2011

Has the U.S. national security apparatus focused too exclusively on the threat posed by Islamic extremism and not enough on the

In a nutshell,yes. During the Bush Administration, the FBI was on record saying that the biggest domestic terrorist threat was from eco-terrorists. They were very reluctant to take on right-wing extremism as a serious threat. Sadly, under the Obama Administration...
27 juillet 2011

No rational person can claim to understand how

No rational person can claim to understand how the Constitution's protections are being applied nowadays. Freedom of association, speech, privacy and assembly are all under attack by our rapidly expanding security apparatus and security-friendly courts....
27 juillet 2011

The anti-Muslim loons of the world are in a major bind right now. Their intolerant anti-Muslim attitude and constant fear-monger

The anti-Muslim loons of the world are in a major bind right now. Their intolerant anti-Muslim attitude and constant fear-monger
27 juillet 2011


27 juillet 2011


27 juillet 2011

The Terrorist Robert Spencer

The Terrorist Robert Spencer
29 juillet 2011

Faces of Tragedy

Faces of Tragedy
Pamela Geller is a terrorist
  • I'm away, and it's hard to keep up with the news, but it seems as if my arch-nemesis Pamela Geller is in a bit of a pickle because she and her partner-in-Muslim-bashing, Robert Spencer, were favorites of the Norway killer.
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